1.  Students may not submit their IRB applications until after their committee approves their thesis/dissertation proposal. The College of Community Innovation and Education (CCIE) does NOT require students or faculty to complete form HRP- 251- Faculty Advisor Review. Research conducted as part of a class assignment is not subject to IRB review
    and approval.
  2. Before submitting an IRB, each PI and co-PI needs to complete CITI Training (approximately 3-5 hours).
  3. Always download the most recent forms (do not use old forms or templates).
  4. IRB proposals must be submitted electronically through Huron IRB system. Your proposal will be composed of your answers in a series of web forms and documents that you will upload.
  5. IRB Help is available. Visit us on campus from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. in the Education Complex, Room 106 and view our resources below: