
Goal 1: Program graduates will demonstrate their analytical and critical thinking skills and knowledge to resolve managerial issues
Goal 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively as a member of a team during the course of the program.
Goal 3: The health care informatics program will demonstrate responsiveness to the needs of the community(ies) of interest.
Goal 4: Faculty will demonstrate current knowledge, skills, qualifications and professional development in the content areas they teach.
Goal 5: Be a leader in cultivating partnerships
Goal 6: Promote diversity and inclusiveness


Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Fall 2015

Spring 2017


Student Publications

Students in the health care informatics program are exceptionally dedicated to the field of informatics.  We have had a number of students publish articles in the peer-reviewed journal “Health Care Manager.”  At least two students per semester have had their research published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Job Placement

The health care informatics program had is proud of the fact that 93 percent of its alumni are employed in senior level positions within the field of health care. Some students have found employment outside of Florida, while most of the students are employed here in Central Florida. These are just a few of the places where our alumni are employed:

  • Florida Hospital
  • Orlando Health
  • CompuTech City
  • Orchid Medical
  • McKesson

These are just a few of the many positions held by our alumni:

  • Systems analyst
  • Project manager
  • Database administrator
  • Clinical analyst
  • Clinical data engineer

Employment Satisfaction

The program conducted an employer satisfaction survey in 2012, three years after the first cohort graduated. This survey indicated that employers feel as though the health care informatics graduates have adequate knowledge of the profession (100%). Further, only one respondent rated their health care informatics employee as neutral on technical skills, while all others rated them as at or above satisfactory.

Graduate School Placement

While the primary goal of this program is to produce informatics professionals, two alumni of the health care informatics program have continued their education by pursuing a Ph.D. Both of those students are currently in the Doctoral Program in Public Affairs — Health Services Management and Research Track at the UCF College of Community Innovation and Education.