

Lisa S. Nored, J.D., Ph.D. serves as Professor and Chair of the Legal Studies Department at the University of Central Florida. Dr. Nored has served in multiple leadership roles throughout her career including her service as Professor and Director of the School of Criminal Justice, Forensic Science and Security at The University of Southern Mississippi where she administered criminal justice and forensic science degree programs. Dr. Nored also served as the inaugural Pre-Law Pathways Coordinator for the USM College of Arts and Sciences where she coordinated university-wide prelaw advisement, programming and recruitment. Additionally, Dr. Nored served as Director of the Mississippi Statistical Analysis Center, a research entity funded by the United States Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice Statistics and housed at The University of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Nored was selected as Lawyer of the Year in 2016 by Mississippi College School of Law for her service to the legal profession and received faculty teaching awards at The University of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Nored was selected as a W.K. Kellogg Foundation Fellow and received specialized training in the field of child advocacy at the University of Michigan School of Law.

Prior to joining academia, Dr. Nored served as a law clerk for the Mississippi Supreme Court and later engaged in the general practice of law with focus on criminal defense and domestic relations. Dr. Nored is licensed to practice law in Mississippi.

Areas of Expertise
  • Justice and Crime Policy
  • Public Administration
  • Child Advocacy and Juvenile Law

Public Policy and Administration, Ph.D.
Mississippi State University, 2007

J.D., Mississippi College School of Law, 1996

Criminal Justice, M.S.
The University of Southern Mississippi, 1992

Criminal Justice, B.S.
The University of Southern Mississippi, 1991


Dr. Nored has published extensively in the areas of justice policy and administration, child welfare and juvenile justice.  She is the author of twenty books, including legal treatises and textbooks, as well as more than thirty other publications.  She has made more than fifty professional presentations.  Dr. Nored has generated over one million dollars in external funding to support research and training in justice policy, law and legal systems.


Dr. Nored provides service to the institution, academic discipline and legal community. She is a member of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences where she serves on the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, the Pre-Law Advisors National Council (PLANC), the Southern Prelaw Advisors Association (SAPLA), and Mississippi Bar. She has served successive terms as a member of the Mississippi Commission on Children’s Justice following appointments by Chief Justice William L. Waller, Jr. and Chief Justice Mike Randolph.  Dr. Nored has also served as a longtime member of the Mississippi State Advisory Group on Juvenile Justice following successive gubernatorial appointments.