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If your nonprofit agency has a health and human services mission and is located in, and serving residents of Orange County, you may be eligible to participate in a tremendous capacity building opportunity.

The University of Central Florida Center for Public and Nonprofit Management has partnered with the Orange County Citizens’ Commission for Children to provide capacity building training this summer for local nonprofits. The training includes four face-to-face and two online sessions, as well as technical assistance provided by one graduate research assistant for up to four hours per week. Fifteen agencies will be accepted for the training program, which runs June 18 through Aug. 6. Topics include grant writing, organization governance, financial management and accountability. The training program, free of charge to participants, is funded entirely by Orange County CCC.

Preference will be given to 501(C)(3) not-for-profit organizations with a health and human service mission that are both located and provide services in Orange County, and have been in operation for a minimum of one year. To apply for the program and to get more information, visit the continuing education website or contact CPNM Director Deborah A. Carroll. The application is due no later than noon on June 4.

*Please note that agencies will receive training and technical assistance, but no financial assistance.