UCF and the college routinely receive inquiries from reporters and producers seeking to interview subject matter experts. The college's communications team is creating a comprehensive faculty expert spreadsheet, which we'll use to promptly respond to media inquiries and pitch stories to UCF Communications and the media. If you are interested in being included on the CCIE Faculty Expert List, please complete the information form and contact D'Ann Rawlinson if you have any questions.

  • Media professionals typically work under tight deadlines. We encourage faculty to list a cell phone number for internal purposes only. It will only be given out to a reporter with your permission.
  • Please provide one to six areas of expertise.
    Example: Counselor Education, Addictions Counseling, Wellness
  • Please provide up to six areas of study.
    Example: Veterans and addiction, PTSD treatment, counselor burnout, telehealth and counseling
  • Industry or Discipline Specific (Excluding Academic Journals)
    Please list trade publications or news magazines related to your discipline. Example: Education Week, Counseling Today, APA Monitor on Psychology, College Teaching, Psychology Today
  • Are you interested in sharing your work and expertise on the Knights Do That Podcast? If so, provide a description of your work/expertise and a proposed focus.
  • Are you interested in sharing your research on the UCF Research in 60 Seconds series? If so, provide a description of one area of research, including props that may be used as visuals that relate to your work.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.