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About the Partnership

The primary purpose of the Seminole County Public Schools (SPCS) and UCF College of Community Innovation and Education (UCF-CCIE) Partnership is to provide counseling services at no cost to students and their families within their own community (elementary schools), promoting their academic and personal-social development.

The Research

You will be asked to complete the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System, which measures caregivers’ perspectives of their child’s behavior and emotional functioning. In addition, we also collect participating students’ information (i.e., number of discipline referrals). The intent of gathering information relating to the students is to examine the influence of the school-based counseling services on your child.

Structure of Research and Counseling Services

If you would like your child to participate in this research and receive counseling services at no cost at one of the schools listed below, we will explain all research processes prior to collecting any information. All research information collected is confidential and all findings are presented in an aggregated format (e.g., no individual names or identifiers included). All our research processes will be explained to you and your child at a prescreening meeting with a research team member. You may decide not to have your child continue in the research study at any time. There are no adverse consequences if you decide to have your child leave the research.

  • Monday afternoons (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
  • Tuesday afternoons (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
  • Thursday afternoons (2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)

*With the exception of holidays and semester breaks.

About the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of school-based counseling services on elementary school students’ behavioral and emotional functionality. Students participating in the study and receiving the counseling services may experience an increase in their effective self-regulation, which has been proven to increase positive behaviors such as better school performance and interpersonal relationships.

Counseling services are provided at Hamilton, Pine Crest and Midway Elementary Schools. The counseling sessions last approximately 50 minutes and include weekly meetings. The counseling sessions are facilitated by Master’s and doctoral level counselors-in-training that are under the direct supervision of an appropriately credentialed clinical supervisor.

Appointment and Intake Policy

If you are interested in having your child participate in this research and receive counseling services at no cost at Pine Crest Elementary School, Hamilton Elementary School of Engineering and Technology or Midway Elementary School of the Arts, you may contact:

Galaxina Wright

You will be asked to schedule an initial intake meeting with a counselor to ensure your child meets criteria to participate in the research study and receive our counseling services.