Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Makes Everyone Better.
2020 UDL-IRN International Summit on Demand
June 2020
Basham, J. D., Marino, M. T., *Hunt, C. & *Han, K. (2020). Considering STEM for Learners with Disabilities and Other Diverse Needs. In C., Johnson, M., Mohr-Schroder, T., Moore, & L., English (Eds.). Handbook of Research on STEM Education (pp. 128-137). Philadelphia, PA: Routledge. ISBN: 9780367075606, 0367075601
Vasquez, E., & Marino, M. T. (2020). Enhancing executive function while addressing learner variability in inclusive classrooms. Intervention in School and Clinic.
Springer, Love, T. S., Roy, K. R., & Marino, M. T. (2020). How can instructors make appropriate accommodations and modifications while maintaining a safer teaching and learning environment for ALL students and themselves? International Technology & Engineering Educators Association Journal (ITEEA), 79(5), 23-27.
Basham, J. D, & Vasquez, E., (2019). Technology and innovation supporting learners with Autism. In Lam. C. S. C., Ho, F. C., Sam, K. L. S., (Eds.) Promoting collaborative learning cultures to help teachers support students with autism spectrum disorders.
Marino, M. T., Israel, M., Vasquez, E., *Fisher, K. M., & *Gallegos, B. (2019). Teaching and learning with technology. In A. S. Canestrari, & B. A. Marlowe (Eds.), The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations (pp. 245-261). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-93180-6
Mrstik, S., Pearl C., *Hopkins, R., Vasquez. E., & Marino, M. T. (2019). Combating special educator attrition mentor teachers’ perceptions of job satisfaction, resiliency and retention. Australian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 43(1), 27 - 40. DOI
Schereffler, J., Vasquez, E., Chini, J., James, W. (2019). Universal Design for Learning in postsecondary STEM education for students with disabilities: A systematic literature review. International Journal of STEM Education 6(1), 8
Smith, S. J., Rao, K., Lowery, A. K., Gardner, J. E., Moore, E., Coy, K., Marino, M. T., & Wojcik, B. (2019). Recommendations for a national research agenda in UDL: Outcomes from the UDL-IRN preconference on research. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 1-12. DOI
Mumbauer, J. & Kelchner, V., (2018). Promoting mental health literacy through bibliotherapy in school-based settings. Professional School Counseling.
Xie, J., Basham, J., Marino, M (2017). Reviewing research on mobile learning in k-12 educational settings: Implications for students with disabilities. Journal of Education Technology. 33 (1), 27-39.
Rodriguez, J., Dieker, L., (2017). Emerging inclusive education in the united nations relief and works agency for Palestine refugees in the near east: A review of the literature. Journal of International Special Needs Education. Online ahead of Print.
Berg, C. A., & Dieker, L. (2017). Three Technological Tools Used to Develop, Improve, and Analyze Teaching. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2057-2066). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Taylor, M., Tucker, J., Donohoe, C., Pabian, P., Dieker, Hynes, M. (2017) Impact on virtual simulation on the interprofessional communication skills of physical therapy students: A pilot study. Journal of Physical Therapy Education 31 (3) 83-90.
Scanlon, E., James, W., Chini, J., Schreffler, J., & Vasquez, E. (In Press). Postsecondary physics curriculum and universal design for learning. Journal of Physics Education
Mrstik, S., Vasquez, E., & Pearl, C. (2018). The effects of mentor teacher instruction on teaching visual supports to novice secondary teachers in self-contained classes. International Journal of Instruction. 11(1). 411-424.
Evans, K., & Vasquez, E. (2017). Mindfulness based stress reduction and citizenship education: A systematic review of the empirical literature. Journal of Mindfulness & Compassion. 2(2), 159-169.
Rock, M. L., Smith, S., Thomas, C. N., Regan, K., Vasquez III, E., Kennedy, M., … & Bausch, M. (2017). Commentary: A Response to an Interview With Joseph South by the Teacher Education and Technology and Media Divisions of the Council for Exceptional Children. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 17(3), 301-311.
Taylor, M. S., Vasquez, E., & Donehower, C. (2017). Computer programming with early elementary students with Down syndrome. Journal of Special Education Technology, 32(3), 149-159.
Vasquez, E., Marino, M. T., Donehower, C., Koch, A. (2017) Trial-Based Functional Analysis in Virtual Environments. Rural Special Education Quarterly (invited special issue), 36 (1), 17-24.
Pearl, C. E., Vasquez, E., Marino, M. T., Rosenberg, M. Wienke, W. Donehower, C., Gourwitz, J. & Duerr, S. (2017). Establishing content validity of the Quality Indicators for Classrooms Serving Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder instrument. Teacher Education and Special Education, 39(2), 98-120. DOI: 10.1177/08884064166814.
Rock, M. L., Smith, S., Regan, K., Vasquez, E., Kennedy, M., Dieker, L., Evmenva, A., Okolo, C., & Bausch, M. (2017). CEC TED TAM Commentary: A response to an interview with Joseph Smith, Director, U.S. Office of Educational Technology, Regarding 21st Century Special Education Teacher Preparation. www.citejournal.org
Cho, J., Turgot, D., Dagley, M., & Vasquez, E. (In Press). Collaborative multidisciplinary engineering design experiences in IOT for teachers through summer research site program. Proceedings for International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
Schreffler, J., Vasquez, E., James, W., & Chini, J. (In Press). Using observations of Universal Design for Learning to enhance post-secondary STEM teaching practices. Proceedings Physics Education Research Conference.
James, W., Lamons, K., Schreffler, J., Vasquez, E., Chini, J. (In Press). Exploring learner variability: experiences of students with cognitive disabilities in post-secondary STEM. Proceedings Physics Education Research Conference.
Donehower, C., Vasquez, E., & Becker-Best, J. (2017). Teaching functional analysis procedures using TeachLivE™. Proceedings TeachLivE™ Conference.
Marino, M. T., Israel, M., Vasquez, E. Fisher, K. M., & Gallegos, B. (2017). Teaching and learning with technology. In A.S. Canestrari, & B.A. Marlowe (Eds.) The handbook of educational foundations: International perspectives. New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
Spencer, S., Drescher, T., Hollbrook, J., Schreffler, J., & Fulchini, A. (2017) Comparing Simulation to Traditional Role-Play: Which Is Most Effective at Increasing Students’ Understanding of Co-Teaching? TLE TeachLivE Conference Proceedings.
Saliba, Y. & Barden, S. (2017). Counselor and workplace wellness programs: A conceptual
The Professional Counselor, 7(2), 104-113.
Oh, S., Mitchell, M., McKinzie-Bennett, C., Rendon Finnell, L., Saliba, Y., Heard, N.J., & Pennock, E.R. (in review, 2018). Investigating relationships between journaling, group cohesion, and goal achievement in experiential growth groups.
"Lunch with Leaders" presentation. Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education of Washington, D.C. [PDF | PPTX]
Vasquez, E. (2018, July). Keynote: Leveraging innovation for enhanced supports for individuals with disabilities at the secondary and post- secondary level. Landmark College Summer Institute.
Vasquez, E. & Marino, M (2017, May). Understanding executive function disorders in postsecondary education. UCF Summer Faculty Development Conference.
Cho, J., Turgot, D., Dagley, M., & Vasquez, E. (2018, November). Collaborative multidisciplinary engineering design experiences in IOT for teachers through summer research site program. International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Pittsburgh, PA.
Wienke, W., Rude, H., Miller, K., Vasquez, E. (2018, March). Preparing special education personnel for advocacy roles impacting policy including rural areas. American Council on Rural Special Education. Salt Lake City, UT.
Schreffler, J., Vasquez, E., Chini, J., James, W. (2017, July). Using observations of universal design for learning to enhance post-secondary STEM teaching practices. Presented at Physics Education Research Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
Chini, J., James, W., Yestrebsky, C., Vasquez, E., Schreffler, J. (2017, July). Studio Physics through the lenses of universal design for learning. Presented at Physics Education Research Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
Donehower, C., Vasquez, E., & Becker-Best, J. (2017, June). Teaching functional analysis using TeachLivE. Presented at TeachLivE™ Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Schreffler, J. (2018, February). Answering difficult questions: Comparing TeachLivE vs. role play in health/sex education. Kaleidoscope, Council for Exceptional Children, Tampa, FL.
Schreffler, J. (2017, November). Creating inclusive LGBTQ classrooms: Comparing TeachLivE vs. role play in health/sex education. Kaleidoscope, Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division, Savannah, GA.
Schreffler, J. (2018, April). Universal Design for Learning in post-secondary STEM education for students with disabilities: A systematic literature review. Graduate Research Forum, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Schreffler, J. (2018, March). Universal Design for Learning in post-secondary STEM education for students with disabilities: A systematic literature review College of Education and Human Performance Research Showcase, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Schreffler, J., & Becker, J. (2017, November). ESE information station. Intern Seminar, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Saliba, Y. (2018, May). Keeping it Playful: The Influence of Playfulness on Quality of Life for Aging Adults. Paper presented at the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Annual Conference in London, United Kingdom.
Mitchell, M. D., Saliba, Y., Heard, N. J., Rendon Finnell, L., Oh, S., Mckinzie Bennett, C., & Pennock, E. (2018, January). #CohortLove: How to Utilize Graduate School as a Cultural Immersive Experience. Paper presented at the University of Central Florida Counseling Conference, Orlando, FL.
Mumbauer, J & Tabet, S. (October, 2017). You Earned This: How Career Counselors Can Empower Women and Address Income Inequality. Florida Counseling Association. Orlando, FL.
Mumbauer, J. & Kelchner, V. (October, 2017). Promoting mental health literacy through bibliotherapy in school-based settings: Implications for counselor educators. Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Tatum, M., Ricketts-Duncan, J., Campbell, Y., Kelly, S. (2017, October). Publications of the Florida Reading Association. Presentation at the 54th Annual Florida Reading Association Conference, Tampa, FL.
Kelly, S., Gill, M.G., & Hagedorn, B. (2017, August). An examination of the lived curiosity experiences of prospective teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Kelly, S. (2017, August). Creating a Culture of Curiosity: Engaging the Most Reluctant Learners. Presentation at the 19th Annual Literacy Symposium, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.