Robert N. Heintzelman Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair

The Robert N. Heintzelman Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair was established to promote the understanding and prevention of greed and to foster the development of altruism. The primary purpose of the endowment is to support the chair in conducting basic and applied research in order to better understand the causes of greed in humankind and determine appropriate methods to eliminate greed.
The Robert N. Heintzelman Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair was established to increase our understanding and the prevention of greed and to foster the development of altruism. The endowed chair is held by Dr. Glenn Lambie (2018 to present).
About the Endowed Chair Fund
The Robert N. Heintzelman Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair was a charitable bequest from the estate of Robert Neil Heintzelman to establish a fund at the University of Central Florida in 2002. A selection committee is appointed by the College of Community Innovation and Education (CCIE) to appoint a key faculty scholar with distinguished reputation to engage in research and scholarly activities that determine the causes of greed and identify methods and strategies of eliminating these causes.
About The Research
Research on the causes of greed is conducted using both basic and applied research.
- Basic research will be conducted in order to define greed and altruism as well as the development of these traits and their impact on child development and adult behavior.
- Applied research will also be conducted to explore strategies that impact the growth of greed, altruism,
and ethical behavior, including clinical and educational applications.
Current Research Focus
Given the limited research available to examine the construct of greed, current work is focused on defining greed and measuring this construct through:
- Development of the Heintzelman Greed Scale© (HGS) to measure dispositional greed using instrument development best practices (e.g., American Educational Research Association [AERA], the American Psychological Association [APA], & the National Council on Measurement in Education [NCME, 2014]; Crocker & Algina, 2006; DeVellis, 2017; Dimitrov, 2012; Lambie, Blount, & Mullen., 2017; Wolfe & Smith, 2007).
- Validity studies examining the soundness of the HGS scores with diverse samples in order to test and modify the assessment (e.g., establish evidence of internal consistency reliability and construct, criterion, convergent, and divergent validity).
- Greed studies examining variables contributing to greed.
Heintzelman Greed Scale ©(HGS)
- Given the limited research examining the construct of greed along with limitations in existing assessments, we developed the Heintzelman Greed Scale (HGS) through adhering to psychological instrument best practices (e.g., American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education, 2014; DeVellis, 2017; Dimitrov, 2012; Haladyna & Rodriguez, 2013; Lambie, Blount, & Mullen, 2017). A two-phase research project was conducted with a diverse sample of individuals to test and modify the assessment. In Phase I, we developed the HGS, tested initial factorial structure through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and explored the psychometric properties with a diverse sample of 875 adults. In Phase II, we examined the factor structure and stability of the HGS through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with a diverse sample 922 adults. As a result of this research, we developed the 20-item three-factor HGS that demonstrated evidence of strong internal consistency reliability and convergent validity. We also developed a training manual to assist in the administration of the scale. For permission to use the HGS, please contact Dr. Glenn Lambie.
American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education. (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
Crocker, L. M., & Algina, J. (2006). Introduction to classical and modern test theory. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
DeVellis, R. F. (2017). Scale development (4th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Dimitrov, D. M. (2012). Statistical methods for validation of assessment scale data in counseling and related fields. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Lambie, G. W., Blount, A. J., & Mullen, P. R. (2017). Establishing content-oriented evidence for psychological assessments. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 50, 210-216.
Wolfe, E.W., & Smith, E.V., Jr. (2007). Instrument development tools and activities for measure validity using Raschmodels: Part I instrument development tools. Journal of Applied Measurement, 8, 97–123.
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Lambie, G. W., Stickl Haugen, J., & Tabet, S. M. (2022). Development and initial validation of the Multidimensional Dispositional Greed Assessment (MDGA) with adults. Cogent Psychology, 9(1), DOI
Lambie, G. W., & Stickl Haugen, J. (2019). Understanding greed as a unified construct. Personality and Individual Differences, 141, 31-39. DOI (5-year Impact Factor, 2.390)
Lambie, G. W., Stickl Haugen, J., & Tabet, S. M. (under review). Measuring dispositional greed in adults: The Heintzelman Greed Scale. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.
Research in Progress
Lambie, G. W., Frawley, C., Stickl Haugen, J., & Haile, G. M. (in preparation for submission). A predictability investigation of college students’ level of dispositional greed and their grit and narcissism scores.
Lambie, G. W., Frawley, C., & Stickl Haugen, J. (in progress). A validation study of the multidimensional dispositional greed assessment (MDGA) with undergraduate college students (IRB Number: 00000875).
Lambie, G. W., Stickl Haugen, J., Haile, G., & Fard-Aghaie, P. (in progress). The relationship between college students’ level of dispositional greed and their empathy, grit, and narcissism scores.
Lambie, G. W., Haile, G., Tabet, S., & Stickl Haugen, J. (in progress). The relationship between college students’ levels of substance use and their grit, greed, and perceived stress scores.
Lambie, G. W., Stickl Haugen, J., Haile, G., & Fard-Aghaie, P. (in progress). Heintzelman Greed Scale (HGS): Validation and refinement with college students.
Lambie, G. W., Frawley, C. (2023). Factor Structure and Validity of the Multidimensional Dispositional Greed Assessment with Undergraduate College Students. UCF Research and Impact Showcase, Orlando, FL.
Lambie, G. W., Frawley, C., & Stickl Haugen, J. (2022, September). Understanding the relationship between multidimensional dispositional greed, narcissism, and grit: A predictability study. Paper presented at Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling annual conference, Saint Louis, MO.
Lambie, G. W., & Stickl Haugen, J. (2019, September). The development and factor structure of the Heintzelman Greed Scale. Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference, San Antonio, TX.