The School Psychology Ed.S. degree requires a minimum of 86 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree, as well as a comprehensive examination at the completion of study. "SPS" courses are only open to students in the School Psychology Program.

Prerequisites or Co-requisites (Department of Education Certification) - 6 Credit Hours

  • TSL 5085 Teaching Language Minority Students in K-12 Classrooms (3 credit hours)
    Teaching K-12 limited English proficient (LEP) students. Florida standards regarding cross-cultural communication, ESOL curriculum, and materials, ESOL methodology, testing and evaluation of ESOL   students, applied linguistics.
  • EDG 6415 Principles of Instruction and Classroom Management (3 credit hours) or OR
    EDF 6727 Critical Analysis of Social, Ethical, Legal, and Safety Issues Related to Education (3 credit hours)
    Students are exposed to various methods of delivering instruction, as well as organizational and management skills. Students microteach and view lessons to develop reflective practices.
  • RED 5147 Developmental Reading (3 credit hours)
    Principles, procedures, organization, and current practices in the elementary reading program. Materials and methods of instruction.

Psychological and Educational Foundations - 12 Credit Hours

  • EDF 6401 Statistics for Educational Data (3 credit hours)
    Design of educational evaluation; analysis of data, descriptive and inferential statistics, interpretation of results.
  • EDF 6481 Fundamentals of Graduate Research in Education (3 credit hours)
    Review and critique of research literature, use of library resources for educational research, and introduction to the concepts of research design and data analysis.
    EEX 5051 Exceptional Children in the Schools (3 credit hours)
    Characteristics, definitions, educational problems, and appropriate educational programs for the exceptional children in schools.
  • SPS 6700 Advanced Psychoeducation and Data-Based Decision-Making (3)
    Principles of advanced psychoeducation for teaching, response to intervention, and data-based decision-making in school

Intervention - 21 Credit Hours

  • SPS 6601 Introduction to Psychological Services in Schools (3 credit hours)
    A course presenting an overview of the philosophy, organization, programs, and operation of school psychological services.
  • SPS 6608 Seminar in School Psychology (3 credit hours)
    Diagnostic, instructional, and prescriptive intervention techniques.
  • SPS 6801 Developmental Basis of Diverse Behaviors (3 credit hours)
    The major social and educational policy concerns posed by developmental and cultural diversity in our society, with implications for teaching, learning and intervention.
  • SPS 6206 Psychoeducational Interventions (3 credit hours)
    This course will enable school psychology students to develop and apply systematic, evidence-based problem-solving strategies to prevent and intervene with students' academic problems.
  • SPS 6225 Behavioral and Observational Analysis of Classroom Interactions in Schools (3 credit hours)
    An intensive review of the principles and procedures of applied behavioral and observational analysis and assessment as they relate to changing behavior in schools.
  • SPS 6703 Child and Adolescent Deviant Behavior and Treatment (3 credit hours)
    Behavior disorders in school-age children and adolescents as classified in current terminology, and a review of treatment options such as therapy and medication.
    SPS 5605 Building and Improving Relationship and Emotional Intelligence (3 credit hours)
    Students will learn to develop and improve relational and emotional intelligence and demonstrate an understanding of social emotional learning and how it enhances psychosocial wellbeing.
  • SPS 6931 Ethical and Legal Issues in School Psychological Services (3 credit hours)
    Introduction to ethical codes, professional standards, ethical-legal decision-making models and case studies impacting the delivery of school psychological services.

Consultation and Counseling - 9 Credit Hours

  • SPS 6606 Consultation in School Psychology (3 credit hours)
    School Psychology theories and models of school consultation and clinical practice in the consultative role.
  • MHS 6400 Theories of Counseling and Personality (3 credit hours)
    Major theories and approaches to counseling, correlating them with counterpart theories of personality and learning.
  • MHS 6401 Techniques of Counseling (3 credit hours)
    The nature of counseling and its relationships to theoretical concepts.

Assessment - 17 Credit Hours

  • SPS 6191 Individual Psychoeducational Diagnosis I (4 credit hours)
    Measurement of achievement and cognitive functioning of children and adults. Administration, scoring, and interpretation of contemporary iterations of achievement and processing measures used in school psychology.
  • SPS 6192 Individual Psychoeducational Diagnosis II (4 credit hours)
    Measurement of intellectual and cognitive functioning of children and adults. Administration, scoring, and interpretation of contemporary iterations of IQ measures used in school psychology.
  • SPS 6125 Preschool Psychoeducational Assessment (3 credit hours)
    Analysis of test theory and practice in administration, scoring, and interpretation of instruments assessing cognitive, visual-motor ability and adaptive behavior with pre-school children.
  • SPS 6194 Assessment of Special Needs (3 credit hours)
    Measurement of social, behavioral, and emotional functioning in children and adolescents.
  • SPS 6175 Cultural Diversity and Nonbiased Assessment (3 credit hours)
    An investigation of some of the major multicultural issues with emphasis on administration, scoring, and interpretation of instruments related to this population.
    SPS 5177 Enhancing Individual and Student IQ (3 credit hours)
    Students will understand IQ malleability and methods of enhancing IQ. Students will analyze acquisition of knowledge gained from methods of scientific inquiry regarding individual differences.

Research Activities – 6 Credit Hours

  • SPS 6402 and SPS 6403 - Applied Prevention and Intervention in Schools I and II (6 credit hours)
    These tasks will offer students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and capacity to apply prevention and intervention in school-related settings.
    SPS 6909 Research Report I and II (6 credit hours)
    The purpose of this task is to demonstrate students' critical skills around specific topics in applied school psychology.

Practicum and Internship – 18 Credit Hours

  • SPS 6946 Practicum in School Psychology I (3 credit hours)
    Provides each student with an orientation to public schools and experiences which broadly sample the spectrum of psychoeducational assessment and interventions for practicing school psychologists.
  • SPS 6946 Practicum in School Psychology II (3 credit hours)
    Provides each student with an orientation to public schools and experiences which broadly sample the spectrum of psychoeducational assessment and interventions for practicing school psychologists.
  • SPS 6948 School Psychology Internship I and II (12 credit hours)
    Supervised placement in school setting.