Module 1

Evidence-based English Learner Instruction (30 hours)

  • Strand 1: The Science of Reading Awareness includes: (1) phonological awareness training in early reading for beginning readers; (2) reading comprehension skill development, including decoding for developing readers; and (3) response to intervention techniques for struggling readers.
  • Strand 2: Vocabulary Instruction in the Academic Content Areas includes: (1) intensively teach academic vocabulary in depth using multiple modalities (i.e., reading, writing, speaking, listening); (2) facilitate structured discussions to increase opportunities for students to talk about and use academic words; and (3) teach word-learning strategies to help students independently figure out the meaning of words, including looking for language that has cross-language potential.
  • Strand 3: Oral Language Support for Written Language includes: (1) use strategic instructional tools—such as videos, visuals, and graphic organizers—to help students communicate through writing; (2) teach students to use the writing process for a variety of purposes including descriptive, narrative, persuasive, and informative writing; and (3) foster student fluency in spelling, sentence construction, and word processing.
  • Strand 4: Using Small Groups to Develop Language and Literacy includes: (1) utilize early intervention strategies within small groups to focus upon reading across genres; (2) promote intensive and extensive reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through the strategic use of instructional tools to help students make sense of content; and (3) provide daily oral and written opportunities for student groups to discuss content, extend student learning, and understand the content material.

Module 2

Fostering English Learner Family and Community Engagement (30 hours)

  • Strand 5: Building an Understanding of English Learner Family and Community Engagement includes: (1) getting to know key demographic characteristics of EL families in schools, (2) understanding the influence of educators’ own cultural lens, and (3) acknowledging cultural differences.
  • Strand 6: Building a Cultural Bridge to English Learner Families and Communities includes: (1) identifying EL family and community strengths; (2) designing collaborations opportunities with EL families, leveraging family and community assets; and (3) establishing partnerships with families using types of involvement aligned to families’ assets.
  • Strand 7: Building Trusting Relationships with English Learner Families and Communities includes: (1) understanding and applying the facets of trust with EL families, (2) enhancing communication strategies to advance family and community engagement; and (3) strategies for two-way communication with EL families and inclusion of EL voice in classroom and school practices.
  • Strand 8: Communicating the Language of Schooling and English Learner Language Proficiency and Academic Achievement includes: (1) reviewing EL data terms and definitions, (2) determining if current EL data sources are meaningful to EL parents, and (3) reflecting on data sharing with EL families.

Module 3

Foundations of Professional Development Design (18 hours)

  • Strand 9: Professional Learning Components and Design includes: (1) adult learning theory, (2) the Standards for Professional Learning and professional learning components, and (3) collaboration structures for inquiry and reflection

Module 4

Implementing ELITE at the School and School District Level (18 hours)

  • Strand 10: Creating a Plan to Implement ELITE at Your School or District includes: (1) use of EL data to inform professional learning activities, (2) determine job-embedded contexts and needs of professional learning participants, and (3) determine ELITE implementation structure (school or district) and associated activities and resources needed.