Education: Technology and Media (EME)

EME 6053 Teaching & Learning with Emerging Technologies (3 credit hours)
PR: Graduate standing or C.I. Study and application of electronic resources available for education including techniques for locating, evaluating, and integrating them into the classroom.

EME 6055 Current Trends in Instructional Technology (3 credit hours)
PR: Graduate standing or C.I. Survey of current trends and issues of importance to the field of instructional technology.

EME 6062 Research in Instructional Technology (3 credit hours)
PR or CR: EME6055 or EME6613. Critical review and evaluation of landmark research in the areas of educational media, instructional design, and instructional systems.

EME 6209 Multimedia Instructional Systems II (3 credit hours)
PR: EME 6507 or EME 6613, or C.I. Advanced techniques in delivery and management of Web-based multimedia instructional content. Integration of media into Web-based instruction. Discussion of delivery and management issues.

EME 6226 Instructional Development and Evaluation (3 credit hours)
PR: EME6613 or C.I. Focuses on the development, including flowcharting, storyboarding and prototyping as well as the formative and summative evaluation of instructional materials and programs.

EME 6405 Adapting & Integrating Innovative Technologies in Education (3 credit hours)
PR: EME 6053 or C.I. Use of software applications in instructional settings by students and teachers. Includes integrated packages (word processing, database, spreadsheet, telecommunications) graphics software, presentation software, and desktop publishing software as they relate the K-12 curriculum, students, and teacher productivity.

EME 6417 Interactive Online and Virtual Teaching Environments (3 credit hours)
PR: EME 6507 or C.I. Explores issues and trends in educational and human to computer interactions theories as applied to virtual and online participatory learning environments.

EME 6457 Distance Education: Technology Process Product (3 credit hours)
PR: EME 6507 (or equivalent) and EME 6613 or C.I. Instruction and how it is delivered at a distance. Examines technologies, processes, and products of distance education with emphasis on e-learning.

EME 6458 Virtual Teaching and the Digital Educator (3 credit hours)
PR: EME 6417 or C.I. Explores practical applications of instructional theories related to virtual and online participatory learning environments.

EME 6507 Multimedia in Education and Training (3 credit hours)
PR: Graduate standing or C.I. Emphasis on the elements and applications of multimedia programs for use by students and teachers in PreK12 and Higher Education as well as instructional designers in business and industry settings. Includes authoring, design, delivery systems, hardware, software.

EME6601 Instructional Simulations Design in Training and Education (3 credit hours)
PR: EME6613. Integration of ISD methods with simulation systems design, including analysis, design, development and formative evaluation of leading-edge training and educational simulation technologies.

EME 6602 Integration of Technology into Learning Environments (3 credit hours)
PR: EME 6053, EME 6405, EME 6507 or C.I. Resources, materials, and strategies for systemic achievement of curriculum goals; investigation of innovative and effective technological advances and practices for use in teaching and learning.

EME 6607 Planned Change in Instructional Technology (3 credit hours)
PR: Graduate standing or C.I. In-depth study of the processes of planned change and adoption/rejection of innovations in educational settings.

EME 6613 Instructional System Design (3 credit hours)
PR: Graduate standing or C.I. Systematic design of instruction including task, learner and context analyses, specification of objectives and learner assessments, instructional strategies and media selection.

EME 6646 Learning, Instructional Design and Cognitive Neuroscience (3 credit hours)
PR: Graduate standing or C.I. The course examines the application of neuroscience research for explaining learning and for designing training and educational systems.

EME 6705 Administration of Instructional Systems (3 credit hours)
PR: EME 6613. Provides opportunities for students to examine parameters, problems, and areas of importance in the management of instructional systems.

EME 6940 Theory into Practice in Educational Technology (3 credit hours)
PR: Completion of all core courses in educational technology. Practicum in facilitating the utilization of instructional media and information technologies.

EME 6946 Practicum/Internship in Instructional Technology (3 credit hours)
PR: Completion of all core courses in instructional technology. Practicum/internship for the systematic design of training and educational systems.

EME 7634 Advanced Instructional Systems Design (3 credit hours)
PR: EME 6613 or C.I. Analysis of fundamental concepts of theoretical and procedural instructional systems design models with an emphasis on their cognitive origins, pedagogical bases, current and future values.

EME 7942 Doctoral Internship in Educational Technology (3 credit hours)
PR: Completion of Ph.D. core and 75% specialization. Higher education teaching assignment as an intern under a senior faculty mentor in Educational Technology or Instructional Systems.