To take courses and earn a professional certificate or degree from UCF, you must complete three basic processes: Application, Admission, and Registration. Checklists are available for students applying to a professional certificate program as well as for international and domestic students applying for admissions into master’s or doctoral degree programs. Information about Florida Linkage Institutes, who can help international students finance graduate school, is also provided, along with a listing of key contacts if you have any questions regarding the application, admission or registration processes.
NOTE: Due to restrictive state regulations, UCF is not permitted to provide online courses or instruction to students in some states. Click here for more information.
International Students
Tuition and Fees
Financing Graduate School
Ready to
Get Started?
Prerequisite Skills
It is not all about computers, but…
There is no doubt that computer technology has become an important aspect of many fields of study. Instructional Design & Technology is no exception. However, we feel it is important to dispel one, if not the greatest myth, about Instructional Design & Technology is that it is all about computers. It’s not. You do not have to be a computer expert to be successful in our program or the field. In fact, many aspects of Instructional Design & Technology do not require advanced computer skills, such as instructional design, needs assessment, and evaluation.
One, but not the only, appealing part of Instructional Design & Technology that attracts many to the field is that if you are interested in, and want to develop advanced computer and multimedia skills, you can, but you certainly don't have too in order to be successful. However, some basic computer skills will facilitate your entry into, and success throughout our program.
The checklists provided below will help you determine if you have the basic computer skills necessary to begin our instructional design and technology graduate programs and/or certificates. These skills are particularly important if you want to take our program online. If you do not have one or more of these skills, we suggest that you gain these skills before entering the program by:
- Viewing online tutorials, such as YouTube videos;
- Picking up a basic computer textbook, preferably with online modules or tutorials;
- Taking an introductory computer course at a local area community college;
- Asking knowledgeable friends or colleagues for help; and/or
- Attending basic technology workshops.
If you are considering taking courses and/or completing a professional certificate or our master's degree online, we also recommend that you vist UCF Learning Online.
The University of Central Florida expects all students to have ready access to a personal computer and software appropriate to his or her field of study. Students can meet this expectation by purchasing or leasing a computer, sharing a computer with family or roommates, or using a UCF student PC lab. All UCF students should expect to use a personal computer in many university activities, including coursework, accessing library information, registering for classes, and communicating with instructors and fellow students.
In addition, many UCF courses require the use of the World Wide Web and the Internet. The University of Central Florida has developed one of the nation’s most advanced campus technology environments, and all UCF students are provided with free e-mail accounts and Internet access. Students wishing to acquire a personal computer are strongly advised to consider a notebook computer with a wireless network card. Learn more about UCF’s Technology Requirements for students.