

Gillian Eriksson, Ph.D. is the Coordinator of the Gifted Program, the Gifted Education Certificate Program, M.Ed. in Elementary and M.Sc. in Early Childhood Gifted Specializations and Ed.D. in Curriculum & Instruction Gifted Specializations and the Lead Instructor in Gifted Education, and also teaches Curriculum, Educational Psychology and Global and Comparative Education at the University of Central Florida. Dr. Eriksson has a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a focus on Curriculum, Research and Evaluation, and Special Education: Gifted (University of Connecticut). She has an international reputation as a specialist in underserved gifted and talented students; has served as the USA elected delegate to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children for 3 terms (2007-2013), and has presented at 15 world Gifted conferences and 12 times at NAGC annual conventions. As the P.I. for Project GLIMPSE (USDOE Jacob K. Javits Grant, 2022-2027), she manages a UCF team in collaboration with the School District of Osceola County working in 14 Title I schools that also includes graduate coursework for 15 teacher leaders and 4 doctoral students from SDOC. She was the UCF PI for Project ELEVATE (Jacob K. Javits Grant, 2015-2020) and previously served as the Project Coordinator of Project Step-Up, a Javits Grant at Lamar University, Texas (1993-1994). She was the Co-Pi on the Working on Gifted Issues (WOGI) Grant at UCF for the Florida Department of Education (2002-2003) and rewrote the Teaching Special Populations of Gifted Training Manual used by school districts in 2007. She coordinated the UCF Semester Teacher Education Abroad Program and has conducted study and internship abroad programs to The Netherlands, England, New Zealand and South Africa. She served on the Morgridge International Reading Center Council; the NAGC Visioning Committee and the NAGC Convention Committee (2021-2024). She has received awards for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2024, 2018), the UCF Women of Excellence for Global Achievement (2016); Teaching Excellence (TIP Teaching Incentive Program 2009; 2017); Internationalization; Minority Mentorship and a Fulbright scholarship. She received the 2015 Board of Educational Affairs Golden Psi Award of Excellence (APA) for developing the Gifted Curriculum at a charter school for gifted. Her textbook addresses underserved gifted (Wallace, B; Eriksson, G.I. (2006) Diversity in Gifted Education: International Perspectives on Global Issues. Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis) and she is widely published and a consultant editor of Gifted Education International (SAGE).

Areas of Expertise
  • Advanced, High-Ability and Gifted Education
  • Educational Psychology and Learning Sciences
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Comparative and International Education

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Educational Psychology
University of Connecticut, U.S.A. (1988)
Major Areas: Curriculum Development; Research and Evaluation;
Special Education: Gifted


Research Interests
  • Developing effective learning spaces and places for schoolwide enrichment and acceleration to meet the needs of all unique learners.
  • Identifying and meeting the needs of underserved and marginalized gifted learners
  • An examination of resilience and development of excellence in high-ability learners from extreme circumstances
  • Comparative and international education research on issues of access, multiple perspectives and global concerns.
Current Funded Projects

Principal Investigator (PI) for Project GLIMPSE(USDOE Jacob K. Javits Grant, 2022-2027),”Gifted Learning Infusing Marginalized Perspectives via Strengths Education” for underserved Title I, ELL and Twice-Exceptional learners. Collaborative Demonstration grant with the School District of Osceola County;  (SDOC Director) Dr. David Maddock; UCF PI Gillian Eriksson (CCIE) (#S206A220026 worth $2,600,000)

Principal Investigator (PI) for Project ELEVATE (USDOE Jacob K. Javits Grant, 2015-2021), “English Learner Education eVolving through Advanced Teacher Education” for underserved Title I, ELL learners.  Collaborative Demonstration grant with Seminole County Public Schools  PI(s):Jeanette Lukens (SCPS); UCF PI Gillian Eriksson (CCIE) (#S206A150014 worth $2,500,000)

Coordinated Project Step-Up, a USDOE Javits Grant at Lamar University, Texas (1993-1994), focusing on needs of underserved high-ability and gifted students across Four States. P.I. Dr. Dorothy Sisk.

Co-PI on the Working on Gifted Issues (WOGI) Grant at UCF for the Florida Department of Education (2002-2003) improving educational resources. Revised the Teaching Special Populations of Gifted Training Manual in 2016, adopted by school districts in 2007.

Eriksson, G.I.; Cavilla, D. (UCF) Merritt, T; Maddock, D. (SDOC) Affective Education for Academic Success. Secondary Gifted. (2016-2017) Project Collaborative Curriculum Challenge Grant ; FLDE Challenge Grant with Osceola Public Schools District

Eriksson, G; Holt L (UCF) Gifted Mindsets Project: Brain-Based Learning. (2014-2015). Project Collaborative Curriculum Challenge Grant ; FLDE Challenge Grant with Brevard County Public Schools

Managed the UCF Semester Teacher Education Abroad Program to the Netherlands, and facilitating study and internship programs in The Netherlands, England, New Zealand and South Africa.


  • UCF Scholarship for Teaching and Learning Award, 2017, 2024
  • UCF College of Education and Human Performance Teaching Incentive Program – Excellence in Teaching Recipient, 2009; 2017
  • UCF Women of Excellence for Global Achievement (2016), UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty & Life at UCF
  • American Psychological Association Board of Educational Affairs Golden Psi Award of Excellence (APA, 2015) for Curriculum Design for Gifted Students (co-award with Dr. M Gill and Dr. D. Hahs-Vaughn)
  • Award for Internationalization UCF for Haitian Projects.  Office of Internationalization, University of Central Florida (2010)
  • Certificate awarded for Dedication as a Minority Programs in Education Mentor. College of Education, University of Central Florida (2008)