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Dr. Lisa Martino has over 14 years’ experience in career and technical education. She began her academic career as a CTE teacher and has been a CTE teacher educator since 2012. Dr. Martino has earned her B.S. and M.A. in career and technical education, and Ph.D. in career and workforce education. Her scholarly work includes conference presentations and papers in CTE, faculty development, comparative studies, and distance learning. Her dissertation is titled: The Sustainability of Career and Technical Education Teacher Preparation Programs in Florida. Dr. Martino has devoted her work to teaching pedagogy to subject matter experts who wish to become CTE teachers, industry or corporate trainers, and educational administrators as she is passionate about CTE policies and advocacy. See Dr. Martino as a panelist at the SXSW 2024 conference session called “Space Skills for Careers on Earth”.
PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with a Concentration in Career and Workforce Education, Cognate in Teacher Education and Distance Learning, University of South Florida, Tampa
Areas of Expertise
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Teacher Education and Professional Development
- Distance Learning
Research Interests
- CTE Teacher Preparation Programs
- Comparative Studies in CTE
- Global Competencies in the CTE Workforce