IRB classifies children as a vulnerable population. Because of this, no matter if you are just interviewing children or giving them surveys, IRB will likely consider your research to fall in their "expedited" category.

This category requires the submission of forms:

  • HRP 503 (protocol)
  • HRP 502b (informed consent from a parent)
  • and a copy of your instrument(s), in addition to an IRB application in HURON.

Regarding a copy of your instruments: A copy of your instrument(s) could be a word document with your survey, interview, questionnaire, or focus group questions. If you are using a licensed product, such as a test, evaluation, or assessment tool, include a document with the test questions. If you are using a device, such as a heart rate monitor or some other exercise device, include a description of it, including how it will collect data from subjects. IRB may require you to upload a picture and/or a professional description of the device.

Submit form HRP 503 in the protocol section of the application:

Submit form HRP 502b in the consent section of the application:

Submit the copy of your instrument(s) in the other documents section of the application:

Please plan ahead for any issues that may cause a delay in IRB approval.

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