Sponsored research projects that require a public webpage, per the approved grant, may submit an online request form to CCIE Office of Research for consideration. After its approval, the college will develop a project webpage using a one-page design template with customized content, high-quality links and images. If a more extensive website is required for sponsored research projects, principal investigators are encouraged to include web services into their grant applications for external web support.
One-Page Design Template
Projects will receive one main webpage with up to three subpages (links to pages that include additional project content). Approved web projects will be required to use the college's one-page design template, including up to five sections. The webpage will include section navigation versus main/top navigation (see a one-page design template to view an example).
Webpage URL
The project's webpage URL will be formatted as follows: ccie.ucf.edu/projectname.
Event Calendar
If the project webpage requires an event calendar, a project staff member will input calendar events using UCF's event system. The events will automatically display on the page once UCF Communications sets up the calendar feed.
Staff Pictures (Grant Personnel)
All full-time college employees receive a profile page. The staff profiles will populate the “Our Team” section. For grant staff working outside of the college, their photos and names will be added to the page and linked to their home profile.
Images and Video Clips
Content including images, artwork, music and videos that are shared on our websites, must be original content, purchased through a subscription and/or downloaded from a free source. Attribute credit when necessary.
Social Media Feeds
Official university social media pages must be approved before opening an account. Please confer with CCIE Communications to learn about UCF’s guidelines and the process to seek approval.
UCF Brand
As with any UCF communications piece, we follow the graphic standards established for UCF and college logos and associated elements.
PDF Files
It is the responsibility of project staff providing PDF files to check them for ADA Compliance (accessibility). You can do this using Acrobat's built-in tool. Find detailed instructions here.
Webpage Updates
Webpage updates will be included in yearly maintenance not to exceed an average of 45 minutes per month (9 hours per year).
Content Owner/Editor
Each grant website will need to have a content owner and a project staff member, who is responsible for overseeing the content and making sure it is current.
The project staff is responsible for maintaining all master files (PDF/DOC) and providing updated files to replace/update as needed.
Grant Expiration Date
Once a grant expires, the webpage will be taken down unless alternative funding has been secured.