Course Schedules
If a course is full, you may request to be placed on the waiting list. To do this, send an email to Erica Mendoza and provide the following information:
- The course name, number, and section (be sure to include the mode) for which you are requesting to be placed on the waiting list.
- Your current living/work location (city, state).
- Your program graduate date.
- Any additional information you feel might be helpful.
Course enrollments are revisited a number of times throughout the semester. If you are granted an override, you will be contacted with that information as well as additional instructions. If you have any questions, contact Dr. Richard Hartshorne, or your advisor.
Comprehensive Exams
All master's and doctoral degree candidates are required to take a comprehensive exam. If you are Masters degree candidate, you must pass the exam during one of the final two semesters of coursework and/or internship. If you are a Doctoral degree candidate, you must pass the exam to qualify for dissertation hours.
Comprehensive exams consist of summative open book extended essay questions customized to your individual program of study. You should interact with your program advisor to prepare a study guide before the exam. You may use any resource to study for exam using your guide. The exam will be sent to you via email on a designated date (typically on a Friday before 5pm) for you to work on over a weekend. Submit your written answers to the faculty member who sent you the exam via email by a designated day/time.
At least one faculty member (for master's degree seeking students) or two faculty members (for doctoral degree seeking students) will review your answers to determine if you (a) pass as is with no condition, (b) pass with conditions, or (c) not pass.
If you pass with no conditions, no further action is required. If you pass with conditions, you will have to address the conditions specified in feedback given to you by program faculty (e.g., address comments and follow-up questions about your answers in either written or oral format). If you do not pass, you must register for and retake the exam the following term.
To take the comprehensive exam, you must:
- Successfully complete all required core and required specialization courses.
- Register to take comprehensive exam immediately before or at the beginning of the semester you plan to take the exam. The form is available from program assistant, Erica Mendoza or through the Webcourses Virtual Advisor.
- For Master's degree seeking students pursuing the Educational Technology track please contact Dr. Laurie O. Campbell, e-Learning track, please contact Dr. Glenda Gunter to discuss your comprehensive exam.
- For all doctoral candidates and master's degree students pursuing the Instructional Systems track, please schedule a meeting with Dr. Atsusi Hirumi to generate an exam study guide (typically, 9-10 questions) at the beginning of the term in which you are to take exam.
- Study for exam using the guide to focus your efforts.
- Take exam on specified date and follow directions to submit as discussed with your program advisor.

Many exciting internship opportunities are available for Instructional Design & Technology students in the Orlando area and beyond. Internships give you an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge learned in class and to gain experience in "real" life work settings. Organizations accepting interns also benefit greatly as they seek to create innovative, effective and efficient learning environments based on the latest advances in computer technology, instructional design and learning sciences.
Internships are required for all master's and doctoral level students in Instructional Design & Technology. At the master's level, we encourage students to seek internships in desired career area (e.g., preK-12, higher education, business or industry), particularly if you want to explore alternate career opportunities (e.g., K-12 educators seeking a career in business and industry). If you are already work in your desired career area, you should discuss suitable alternatives with your advisor.
At doctoral level, an internship with a faculty member is recommended if you are considering an academic career as an instructor or professor (so you can gain experience preparing for and delivering coursework). If you do not wish to pursue an academic career, then an internship in desired career area is again recommended.
While you may complete your internship at your current work setting, it is not recommended. The idea is to gain experience in work setting other than what you already know. However, if you do wish to pursue an internship in current work setting, you MUST identify learning objectives and activities that differ from your current work responsibilities.
Students are responsible for arranging all internships. However, a list of opportunities in business and industry, K-12 and higher education are provided (below) to help identify potential internship sites. Students should find an internship site AT LEAST ONE SEMESTER prior to beginning your internship by:
Acquiring and reading the internship guidelines provided by the program: ID&T Internship Guidelines (PDF File - 209KB)
- Meeting with faculty advisor to discuss internship opportunities, requirements, and procedures.
- Arranging internship with an organization or department, preferably outside current place of employment, by contacting appropriate individuals at the potential internship sites. You are encouraged to seek internship opportunities outside of those listed below. Be sure to discuss requirements with your advisor if you are thinking about completing your internship with an organization that is not listed.
- Obtaining and completing a course registration agreement form available from the College of Community Innovation and Education Office of Graduate Affairs or by contacting
- Working with faculty advisor and on-site supervisor to complete internship contract that provides a short description of the following:
- the internship site;
- skills and knowledge to be learned during internship (Learning Objectives);
- activities to be completed during internship;
- products to be completed during and submitted at the end of the internship; and
- approximate schedule for when products will be completed.
The faculty advisor, on-site supervisor and intern must sign contracts prior to the internship. See template and sample internship contract.
Dr. Gunter: EdD students and students in the eLearning and Educational Technology tracks
Dr. Campbell: Educational Technology track
Dr. Hirumi: PhD students and students in the Instructional Systems track
- Draft your internship contract with your onsite supervisor first, then send the draft of your contract to your faculty advisor for approval. Once approved, you should sign that contract and ask your onsite mentor and faculty advisor to sign the contract. Be sure to keep a copy to submit with your internship portfolio.
- Complete your internship, using your contract as a guide. Keep notes of key decisions, events and experiences to help you prepare your narrative for your internship portfolio. Generate work samples to include in your portfolio as specified in your contract. We realize that things sometimes change throughout the course of an internship. This is acceptable, but explain the changes in your portfolio narrative. For major changes, be sure to inform your faculty advisor. During your internship, you should meet regularly with your onsite mentor to receive guidance and feedback on your work. Also, feel free to contact your faculty advisor for input and assistance. You, your onsite mentor and/or your faculty advisor may request a meeting at any time to discuss your work and any issues that may come up.
- Toward the end of your internship, you should compile your work and prepare your internship portfolio to be either posted online, submitted electronically or hard-copy submitted in person to your faculty advisor at least one week before final exam week. You internship portfolio should include:
- Copy of your contract;
- One page evaluation from your onsite mentor;
- Copies of work samples as listed in your contract (you can burn any related video or other multimedia elements onto disc and send disc); and
- Portfolio narrative that (a) describes how work samples demonstrate achievement of your objectives, (b) reflects on your experience (key decisions, important moments, what was good, bad, etc.), (c) discusses any variance in what you planned to do (as stated in contract) and what you actually did, and (d) identifies areas of interest and/or need for your own future development.
- If you are interested in becoming an internship site, please review the IT Internship Guidelines and contact Dr. Atsusi Hirumi.
Internship Opportunities
Business & Industry and Government Agencies
Higher Education