
Person-centered care has primarily been defined at the conceptual level, with little guidance for substance use disorder and mental health disorder treatment service providers. In this mixed-method research project, we will create an actionable list of practices for treatment centers and healthcare providers to implement person-centered care. Specifically, we will create a list of practices for operationalizing each of the following eight dimensions of person-centered care:

  1. Respect for client preferences, values, and expressed needs
  2. Provision of information, education, and communication
  3. Coordination and integration of services
  4. Provision of emotional support
  5. Provision of physical comfort
  6. Involvement of family and close others
  7. Continuity and transition from care to the community
  8. Access to evidence-based care and services

Project Goals

We will identify practices for operationalizing PCC in SUD and MHD treatment and create an actionable list of practices. An advisory board consisting of health care providers, persons in recovery, treatment program administrators, and SFBHN representatives will provide feedback throughout the process.

Project Stages

We will identify practices for operationalizing person-centered care and the relative frequency of these practices in behavioral health facilities in South Florida. This process will consist of three steps: qualitative interviews with clients and staff, a survey with clients, and a survey with staff. We will obtain IRB approval from the University of Central Florida for all stages of the project. In an effort to respect confidentiality, the names of individuals or treatment programs associated with the study will NOT be reported in any resulting publications or reports.

Stage 1

Qualitative Interviews

We first conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with a convenience sample of stakeholders to identify how SUD and MHD treatment centers associated with the South Florida Behavioral Health Network (SFBHN) currently operationalize person-centered care (PCC).

Recruitment: The South Florida Behavioral Health Network assisted with recruitment by distributing recruitment flyers via email to their affiliated behavioral health treatment centers. Clients and peer support specialists were offered a financial incentive to participate, and all interviewees were promised confidentiality. We recruited 38 interviewees; most interviewees were either a client (current or former) or a peer support specialist. There was the possibility of individuals having overlapping roles.

Data collection: Interview topics explored how program centers operationalize person-centered care (PCC), the extent to which PCC is considered during program level decisions and treatment decisions, and barriers and facilitators to PCC operationalization. In interviews with clients, we explored the personal impact of PCC (or the lack thereof) in treatment settings.

Analysis: Audio recordings of each interview were professionally transcribed and analyzed using an iterative coding approach. After coding interview data, operationalization methods for each code were placed in separate Excel spreadsheets. Researchers examined patterns (i.e. themes) across operationalization methods within each code, as well as across all codes. Interview recruitment was ongoing until thematic saturation was reached, meaning no new themes emerged from the data.


View Summary Report

Stage 2

Quantitative Surveys

Instrument design: Using the preliminary list of PCC practices obtained in step 1, we designed an online survey instrument for SUD treatment staff regarding frequency of PCC practices. We also designed a survey instrument for clients regarding perceived importance of individual PCC practices. The questions in the survey instrument for clients are similar to questions for staff in order to facilitate future results’ comparison between the two populations.

Recruitment: SFBN distributed a recruitment message for the staff survey to program administrators; and program administrators distributed the message to staff (e.g. counselors, physicians, peer support specialists). The survey instrument for clients was distributed by SFBHN and the research team to administrators, who then distributed it to staff, and ultimately to clients. Additionally, Participants of both surveys were offered $20 for survey completion.

Analysis: Descriptive statistics were used to identify the most common methods for operationalizing PCC in SFBHN treatment centers, as well as clients’ preferred methods.


View: Staff Survey Results | Client Survey Results

Stage 3

Roundtable Discussion

We will organize a roundtable discussion with stakeholders to share the report and obtain feedback. We plan to use the results of this program to apply for funding to evaluate the frequency of PCC practices in a larger sample of clinics across Florida, as well as to examine associations between PCC practices and client retention.

Participate in Research


I am a:

Health Care Provider or Administrator


The research study: We are exploring ways to implement person-centered care in substance use treatment and mental health treatment. We are looking for treatment administrators and health care providers associated with the South Florida Behavioral Health Network. Information from this study will be used to help researchers, health care providers, and policy makers improve person-centered care. We can’t do this without your help!

Who can participate?

  • Anyone who speaks English, Spanish, or Creole
  • Anyone who is over the age of 18
  • Anyone who is a treatment administrator or health care provider (including peer support specialist) associated with the South Florida Behavioral Health Network

What will you do? You will participate in a 45 minute to 1-hour long phone call where you will discuss your preferences regarding person-centered care and your experiences with person-centered care. Interviews will be audio recorded but your personal data will remain confidential.


Contact Barbara Andraka-Christou, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida, at pcc@ucf.edu or at (407) 823-5174.

Peer Support Specialist


The research study: We are exploring ways to implement person-centered care in substance use treatment and mental health treatment. We are looking for peer support specialists and clients/consumers associated with the South Florida Behavioral Health Network. Information from this study will be used to help researchers, health care providers, and policy makers improve person-centered care. We can’t do this without your help!

Who can participate?

  • Anyone who speaks English, Spanish, or Creole
  • Anyone who is over the age of 18
  • Anyone who is a peer support specialist or client/consumer associated with the South Florida Behavioral Health Network

What will you do? You will participate in a 45 minute to 1-hour long phone call where you will discuss your preferences regarding person-centered care and your experiences with person-centered care. Interviews will be audio recorded but your personal data will remain confidential.

Compensation: You will receive a $50 gift card for completing the interview.


Contact Barbara Andraka-Christou, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida, at pcc@ucf.edu or at (407) 823-5174.



The research study: We are exploring ways to implement person-centered care in substance use treatment and mental health treatment. We are looking for peer support specialists and clients/consumers associated with the South Florida Behavioral Health Network. Information from this study will be used to help researchers, health care providers, and policy makers improve person-centered care. We can’t do this without your help!

Who can participate?

  • Anyone who speaks English, Spanish, or Creole
  • Anyone who is over the age of 18
  • Anyone who is a peer support specialist or client/consumer associated with the South Florida Behavioral Health Network

What will you do? You will participate in a 45 minute to 1-hour long phone call where you will discuss your preferences regarding person-centered care and your experiences with person-centered care. Interviews will be audio recorded but your personal data will remain confidential.

Compensation: You will receive a $50 gift card for completing the interview.


Contact Barbara Andraka-Christou, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida, at pcc@ucf.edu or at (407) 823-5174.


Soy un:



Estudio de investigación: En este momento estamos realizando una investigación para conocer los tipos de tratamiento orientados a pacientes que usan sustancias psicoactivas y pacientes que reciben tratamiento de salud mental, teniendo en cuenta el enfoque de atención centrada en el paciente. En esta oportunidad estamos convocando a proveedores y administradores asociados a la South Florida Behavioral Health Network. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio serán utilizados como evidencia que ayude a la mejora de la atención centrada en el paciente por parte de investigadores, proveedores de atención médica y tomadores de decisión a nivel gubernamental responsables de las pólizas de aseguramiento. Por ello consideramos muy importante contar con su colaboración.¿Quienes pueden participar?

¿Quienes pueden participar?

  • Cualquier persona que hable inglés, español o criollo haitiano.
  • Cualquier persona mayor de 18 años.
  • Su participación será vía telefónica la cual tendrá una duración aproximada de 45 minutos a 1 hora, en la cual se le preguntará acerca de sus preferencias y experiencias con respecto a la atención centrada en el paciente . Las entrevistas se grabarán en audio, pero sus datos personales serán confidenciales.

What will you do? You will participate in a 45 minute to 1-hour long phone call where you will discuss your preferences regarding person-centered care and your experiences with person-centered care. Interviews will be audio recorded but your personal data will remain confidential.

¿Está Interesado?

Comuníquese con el Dr. Andres Felipe Cubillos Novella, Ph.D., profesor asistente visitante de la Universidad del Central de la Florida, al correo electrónico cubillos.a@javeriana.edu.co o al teléfono al (407) 865-0398.

Contact Barbara Andraka-Christou, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida, at pcc@ucf.edu or at (407) 823-5174.

Especialista de Apoyo


Estudio de investigación: actualmente estamos realizando una investigación para conocer los tipos de tratamiento orientados a pacientes que usan sustancias psicoactivas y pacientes que reciben tratamiento de salud mental, teniendo en cuenta el enfoque de atención centrada en el paciente. En esta oportunidad estamos convocando a pacientes/clientes y especialistas de apoyo entre pares asociados a South Florida Behavioral Health Network. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio serán utilizados como evidencia que ayude a la mejora de la atención centrada en el paciente por parte de investigadores, proveedores de atención médica y tomadores de decisión a nivel gubernamental responsables de las pólizas de aseguramiento. Por ello consideramos muy importante contar con su colaboración.

¿Quienes pueden participar?

  • Cualquier persona que hable inglés, español o criollo haitiano.
  • Cualquier persona mayor de 18 años.
  • Cualquier persona que sea un paciente/cliente o especialista de apoyo entre pares asociado a South Florida Behavioral Health Network

¿Cómo puede Participar? Su participación será vía telefónica la cual tendrá una duración aproximada de 45 minutos a 1 hora, en la cual se le preguntará acerca de sus preferencias y experiencias con respecto a la atención centrada en el paciente . Las entrevistas se grabarán en audio, pero sus datos personales serán confidenciales.

Compensación: recibirá una tarjeta de regalo de $50 dólares por completar la entrevista. Esta compensación será enviada por correo postal o electrónico.

¿Está interesado?

Comuníquese con el Dr. Andres Felipe Cubillos Novella, Ph.D, profesor asistente visitante de la Universidad del Central de la Florida, al correo electrónico cubillos.a@javeriana.edu.co o al teléfono al (407) 865-0398.



Estudio de investigación: actualmente estamos realizando una investigación para conocer los tipos de tratamiento orientados a pacientes que usan sustancias psicoactivas y pacientes que reciben tratamiento de salud mental, teniendo en cuenta el enfoque de atención centrada en el paciente. En esta oportunidad estamos convocando a pacientes/clientes y especialistas de apoyo entre pares asociados a South Florida Behavioral Health Network. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio serán utilizados como evidencia que ayude a la mejora de la atención centrada en el paciente por parte de investigadores, proveedores de atención médica y tomadores de decisión a nivel gubernamental responsables de las pólizas de aseguramiento. Por ello consideramos muy importante contar con su colaboración.

¿Quienes pueden participar?

  • Cualquier persona que hable inglés, español o criollo haitiano.
  • Cualquier persona mayor de 18 años.
  • Cualquier persona que sea un paciente/cliente o especialista de apoyo entre pares asociado a South Florida Behavioral Health Network

¿Cómo puede Participar? Su participación será vía telefónica la cual tendrá una duración aproximada de 45 minutos a 1 hora, en la cual se le preguntará acerca de sus preferencias y experiencias con respecto a la atención centrada en el paciente . Las entrevistas se grabarán en audio, pero sus datos personales serán confidenciales.

Compensación: recibirá una tarjeta de regalo de $50 dólares por completar la entrevista. Esta compensación será enviada por correo postal o electrónico.

¿Está interesado?

Comuníquese con el Dr. Andres Felipe Cubillos Novella, Ph.D, profesor asistente visitante de la Universidad del Central de la Florida, al correo electrónico cubillos.a@javeriana.edu.co o al teléfono al (407) 865-0398.


Thriving Mind South Florida

The UCF-based research team will be partnering with Thriving Mind South Florida (contracting as South Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc.) on this project. Thriving Mind promotes access to effective, accountable and compassionate care for individuals and families in our community with mental illnesses and substance use disorders. We fund and oversee a safety net of services for uninsured individuals in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, with a total population of almost 3 million people, supported by Florida’s Department of Children and Families and other public and private sources. The project will be informed by views from health service providers, administrators, and consumers/clients associated with Thriving Mind. To learn more about Thriving Mind, please visit www.thrivingmind.org.

Health Foundation of South Florida

The Health Foundation of South Florida has awarded the University of Central Florida (UCF) $57,884 for its Strategies for Person-Centered Care in Behavioral Health Treatment Programs project. Health Foundation of South Florida, a nonprofit grant making organization, is dedicated to improving health in Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. By funding providers and supporting programs to promote health and prevent disease, the Foundation makes a measurable and sustainable impact in the health of individuals and families. Since 1993, the Foundation has awarded more than $125 million in grants and program support. For more information, please call 305.374.7200 or visit the website, www.hfsf.org.

To become a partner of this project, contact Dr. Andraka-Christou.

Our Team

Principal Investigator

Barbara (Basia) Andraka-Christou, J.D., Ph.D.

Barbara (Basia) Andraka-Christou, J.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Barbara (“Basia”) Andraka-Christou is an Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida in the School of Global Health Management and Informatics. She researches health services, health policy, and consumer health informatics for substance use disorder treatment. She has written extensively about the underutilization of evidence-based treatments for opioid use disorder. Dr. Andraka-Christou has a J.D. and Ph.D. from Indiana University-Bloomington.

Co-Principal Investigators

Danielle Atkins, Ph.D.

Dr. Danielle Atkins is an assistant professor in the School of Global Health Management and Informatics at the University of Central Florida. She studies the effect of health policies on a variety of outcomes related to substance use, maternal and child health, and risky behaviors.

Olena Mazurenko, M.D, Ph.D.

Olena Mazurenko, M.D, Ph.D.

Dr. Olena Mazurenko is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management. She holds a PhD in Health Care Administration from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and a medical degree in the specialty of Internal Medicine from Ukraine.

Dr. Mazurenko’s research focuses on patient-centered care, patient safety, and patient experiences with care in various healthcare settings.

Kendall Cortelyou-Ward, Ph.D.

Kendall Cortelyou-Ward, Ph.D.

Dr. Kendall Cortelyou-Ward is an associate professor in the School of Global Health Management and Informatics at the University of Central Florida, where she also serves as the Program Director for the Masters of Science in Health Care Informatics program. Her research evaluates the interaction of healthcare system stakeholders and health information technology (HIT). Specifically, a significant portion of her research stream is dedicated to how HIT impacts patients, and how patients can become engaged in their care by using a HIT.

Andrés Cubillos-Novella, Ph.D.

Andrés Cubillos-Novella, Ph.D.

Dr. Cubillos-Novella is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Health at Javeriana University (Bogotá-Colombia). He researches social policy, public health, mental health and migration. He has written about mental health, maternal health and health in migrant populations. Dr. Cubillos-Novella has a PhD in International and Intercultural Studies from Deusto University.

Sub- Investigators

Kyle Belanger

W. Kyle Belanger

W. Kyle Belanger is a current student in Campbell Universities Doctor of Health Sciences program. Kyle recently graduated from the University of Central Florida with Masters Degree in Healthcare Informatics. He holds a bachelor's degree from Western Carolina in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. Kyle maintains a blog on his data science research (kyleb.rbind.io) and is active on GitHub.

Andriy Koval

Andriy Koval

Andriy Koval is an Assistant Professor in the School of Global Health Management and Informatics. Dr. Koval has degrees in Quantitative Methods (Ph.D., Vanderbilt), Psychology (M.A., MTSU) and Mass Communication (B.S., MTSU). His research combines longitudinal modeling, reproducible analytics and data visualization to study how people engage health systems and services over the course of their lives. Dr. Koval maintains a blog on data science and reproducible research (andriy.rbind.io) and is active on GitHub.

Olivia Randall-Kosich, B.S., M.H.A. student

Olivia Randall-Kosich, B.S., M.H.A. student

Olivia is a Ph.D. in Public Health student at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. She studies substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and policy. Specifically, her research focuses on medications for opioid use disorder, person-centered care, and SUD treatment in the criminal justice system. She has a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters in Health Administration from UCF.

Rachel Totaram, M.H.A., Ph.D. student

Rachel Totaram is a doctoral student in the Department of Public Affairs with a concentration in Health Services Administration at UCF. Her research is focused on substance use disorder treatment, with emphasis on medications to treat opioid use disorder (MOUD) and individual experiences with stigma. She holds degrees in Health Administration (M.S., UCF), Biology (B.S., UCF)., and Psychology (B.S., UCF).

Contact Us


If you have any questions or concerns about the research, please contact Dr. Andraka-Christou.

University of Central Florida
500 W Livingston St
Orlando, FL 32801


¿Preguntas o inquietudes? Comuníquese con el Dr. Andres Felipe Cubillos Novella.

University of Central Florida
500 W Livingston St
Orlando, FL 32801