The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with disabilities, and/or the gifted. CEC advocates for appropriate government policies, sets of professional development standards, provides continual professional development, advocates for individuals with disabilities, and helps professionals obtain resources and training for effective professional practice.

Why should I be a special education teacher?
Make a difference!
What does SCEC do?
Membership Meetings: SCEC holds 5-6 membership meetings where guest speakers that include presentations from leaders in exceptional education and presentations from individuals with disabilities.
- Volunteering at UCP Bailes
- UCP Bailes Halloween Bash
- Florida State Special Olympics (May, 2016)
- Attend Florida CEC Conference (October 1-3, 2013: Orlando, FL)
All SCEC members have the opportunity to attend the Florida CEC conference, and some students attend the annual Council for Exceptional Children conferences at reduced rates by committing to volunteer 8 hours at the event. Our campus chapter has also historically been able to provide financial support for student participation in conferences. Students who attend the state conference can apply for funding to attend the national conferences.
Many of our members currently participate in Teachers in, a partnership between the University of Central Florida and United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Central Florida that engages undergraduate education majors in meaningful service-learning activities with persons with disabilities.
Affiliated Organizations:
Council for Exception Children
Children & youth Advocacy Network
Florida Council of Exceptional Children
Become a national CEC Student Member. Be sure to identify yourself as a student member for discounted membership.
UCF Chapter 0845
Thanks for your membership. Our accomplishments for students with disabilities and their families depend on our leadership within SCEC here at UCF!