Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute (TJEEI) is dedicated to preparing and retaining exceptional student education teachers and professional educators who serve children and adults with special needs.

In collaboration with Central Florida partners, TJEEI provides families of children with disabilities, UCF faculty and students, and educators with access to current information, resources and learning opportunities. Through teaching and research clinics, UCF faculty and students associated with the institute offer students with disabilities and their families services focused on assessment, behavior, reading, mathematics and community counseling.


In external funding secured since 2017


Scholars benefited from TJEEI's initiatives


Over 25,000 exceptional education teachers and leaders prepared


Families served with screening events since 2017


Inclusive Education Services

Inclusive Education Services provides young adults with intellectual disabilities an inclusive, comprehensive, non-degree-seeking college experience. It is a certified transition program focusing on post-graduation employment and independence.

Applied Behavior Analysis Clinic

The Applied Behavior Analysis Clinic provides affordable intervention sessions for children from birth to 7 years old who have deficits in communication skills.

Project FOCUS

Project FOCUS helps students struggling with organization, planning, memory, anxiety and other executive-function issues. The program consists of 10 sessions during which coaches develop an online personalized, comprehensive plan to bolster students' academic performance.

Applied Behavior Analysis Graduate Certificate

Verified Course Sequences ABAI logo


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