College News
Looking for Summer Camps in Orlando? Check Out These UCF-affiliated Options
From athletics to the arts to science to storytelling, there are plenty of summer camps for learning and play affiliated with UCF that can help keep students busy during the summer break. Deadlines are fast approaching for the 30 camps on this list. If you’re interested in learning more about...
College provides opportunities to explore personal interests, try new things and develop plans to achieve academic and professional goals. With multiple options, many students question their academic path and seek additional guidance regarding their career choice — which is exactly what Hannah Kinnett did when she transferred to UCF to...
Healthcare’s Huge Cybersecurity Problem
The patient lying on the emergency room table in front of Paul Pugsley was having a stroke. Time was running out. Pugsley, an emergency medicine resident at Maricopa Medical Center, knew he needed to send the patient for a CT scan. But when Pugsley looked over at the computer screen at...
Recognized for academic achievements, contributions and service, please join us in congratulating faculty members and students from the College of Community Innovation and Education who received awards at the 2019 Founders’ Day Honors Convocation. Held annually since 1990, this celebration serves as an opportunity for the university to recognize outstanding...
Reach for the Stars Award Recipients Use Technology to Change Lives
Three faculty members who use the power of technology to make the human experience better were recognized today with Reach for the Stars awards during this year’s UCF Founders’ Day Honors Convocation. The award recognizes early career professionals with highly successful research and creative activity with a national impact...
4 Honored as Pegasus Professors for Impact, Career Achievements
UCF celebrated faculty, staff and students today at the annual Founders’ Day Honors Convocation. Among the honorees are four Pegasus Professors and three Reach for the Stars recipients along with service awards and other campus achievements. The Pegasus Professor award is the highest academic award a professor can receive at...
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