Are you a Wounded Educator? You do not need a bandaged hand, an arm in a sling, or a cast on your leg to be a Wounded Educator. Wounded Educators are those who have wounds we can-not see, wounds that are rarely discussed, and are the hardest to heal.
July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, when we turn our attention to the mental health needs of racial and ethnic minorities who face disparities in treatment and unique challenges related to behavioral health. Three students from our counselor education program focus their efforts on this need, and because of their commitment, were chosen for the NBCC Minority Fellowship Program.
At UCF, we’ve long believed our best work comes from bringing together people with diverse backgrounds and ideas. I am grateful to have so many champions of diversity and inclusion across our campus who live our most cherished values. Today, I am excited to announce that one of these leaders has a new role.