STEP Program

STEP (Supporting Teacher Education Pre-professionals) is an exciting program for incoming freshmen who plan to major in education and become teachers. Students selected to join STEP will begin UCF during the Summer B term.
Interested? Need more details?
Contact Dr. Connie Goodman, Program Coordinator.
About STEP
STEP is a wonderful opportunity for incoming freshmen who plan to major in education and become teachers. The intent of this program is to ensure that students successfully transition to the university by starting them in the summer with two courses and providing a high degree of support from the College and the First Year Advising Center.
Students admitted to the STEP program are expected to attend the orientation session designated for STEP participants prior to beginning the Summer B term. During their orientation, students will have an opportunity to learn more about the benefits of joining STEP. They will also meet the UCF College of Community Innovation and Education STEP Coordinator Dr. Connie Goodman, STEP staff members and other participants in the STEP program.
The STEP Coordinator will meet with students in the program on a regular basis, assist them with scheduling classes, involve them in student education organizations at the college level, monitor their academic progress and their transition to the university, and meet with them for advising, tutoring, and test preparation. In addition to the STEP Coordinator and the Student Academic Resource Center, support will be provided by the College’s Office of Student Affairs, an advisor from UCF’s First-Year Advising Office, and peer mentors.
The STEP program requires a one-year commitment (summer, fall and spring terms of the freshman year). Students selected to join the STEP program are required to register for the following courses: Summer B (EDF 2005 and SLS 1501), Fall Term (EDF 2720 and 3 courses from the General Education Program; and Spring Term (EDF 2130 and 3 courses from the General Education Program). STEP participants will register for classes on Day 2 of Orientation.
Contact us if you would like to join our teacher education program in the UCF College of Community Innovation and Education and prepare to become a teacher.
The STEP program provides:
- assistance transitioning to university life
- guidance from a designated coordinator
- ongoing advisement and scheduling assistance
- a connection to campus resources
- a support structure within the cohort
- assistance with homework and test preparation
- peer mentors
- organizational tools
- a choice of several education majors (Art, Early Childhood, Elementary, English Language Arts, Exceptional Student, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages Education)
The STEP staff members are so helpful. Whenever we have problems on campus, we have someone to go to right away. They are always willing to help.
STEP participants:
- Attend courses with members of their cohort for their first year at UCF.
- Enroll in education courses during their first year at UCF.
- Receive assigned mentors and a first year advisor to assist with their transition from high school to college.
- Receive individualized tutoring.
- Engage in a variety of social activities to meet peers and make friends.
- Engage in a variety of personal growth and development workshops.
Interested in joining the STEP program?
- Submit a STEP application to the STEP program coordinator.
- Intend to declare one of nine majors in the College of Community Innovation and Education and become a teacher (Art, Early Childhood, Elementary, English Language Arts, Exceptional Student, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages Education).
- Enter UCF as a traditional freshman student. See Freshman Admissions.
- Apply to UCF for summer admission.
- Commit to taking a common course each term that is designated for STEP participants.
- Commit to participating in STEP activities and workshops.
- Have an acceptable ACT Score/SAT Score (see program coordinator).
- Have an acceptable Grade Point Average (see program coordinator).