

Dr. Marino is a tenured professor, international leader, and proud member of the special education community. He has been helping students with disabilities and their families for more than 25 years. Dr. Marino is a principal investigator (PI) or co-principal investigator (Co-PI) on numerous federal and state funded projects, with more than 17 million dollars in continuous funding since 2010. His research involves technology design, innovation, executive function, and Universal Design for Learning. Dr. Marino’s most recent publications about Artificial Intelligence and Universal Design for Learning are linked here. He conceptualized and assembled a team to build Project RISE, the first map of special education teacher preparation programs in the United States. He is an active member and Co-PI of the National Center for Innovation, Design, and Digital Learning where he leads the technical alliance for the states of Maine, Idaho, and Washington. He also leads the team as principal Investigator at Inclusive Education Services, which provides on independent living and vocational preparation for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities aged 18 – 28. View more of Dr. Marino’s publications at his Google Scholar website.

Areas of Expertise
  • Instructional Design for diverse populations
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Executive function
  • Transition from school to work
  • B.S. Animal Science, University of Connecticut
  • M.A. Education, Johnson State College, Vermont
  • Ph.D. Special Education, University of Connecticut


Dr. Matthew Marino’s research, which has been supported in part by more than 10.5 million dollars in federal grants from the Institute of Education Sciences, the Office of Special Education Programs, and the National Science Foundation, focuses on the design and implementation of technology-enhanced STEM curricular materials. He conducted large-scale intervention research in 14 states with over 2000 students during the past decade. He is a technical reviewer for the National Science Foundation, a past reviewer for the Institute of Education Sciences, and a member of the leadership team for the Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network. He was a featured STEM research scientist by the Family Center on Technology and Disability and a 2017 winner of the Inspiring Leaders in STEM award.

Research Interests
  • STEM education
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Educational video game development and testing
  • School to work transition
  • Teacher preparation
Research Center/Institute/Lab Affiliations
Faculty Cluster Initiatives
Current Funded Projects

Dr. Marino is a co-principal investigator on three currently funded projects:


Dr. Marino is on the editorial review board for a number of special education, science, and technology journals. He is a technical reviewer for the National Science Foundation, a past reviewer for the Institute of Education Sciences. At the local level, he is a member of the School Advisory Council for a highly regarded STEM school of choice in Brevard County, FL. He also serves on several university committees and is the interim director of the Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute.

Current Service

Interim Director, Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute


  • Promotion to Full Professor (2018)
  • Inspiring Leaders in STEM Award, presented by Insight into Diversity (2017)
  • Research Incentive Award, presented by the University of Central Florida (2017)
  • Video Games developed from IES and NSF funded projects featured as exemplar science learning games by the U.S. Department of Education in the publication “Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education” (p. 22) (2017)
  • Video Games developed from IES and NSF funded projects featured as exemplar science learning games in the U.S. Department of Education publication “Future Ready Learning” (p. 20) (2016)
  • iSTEM Fellow, University of Central Florida (2015)


  • EEX 4242: Teaching Exceptional Students in Secondary Settings
  • EEX 6065: Programming for Students with Disabilities at the Secondary Level (Secondary Methods)
  • EEX 7865: Internship in College Instruction
  • EEX 7527: Professional/Grant Writing in Special Education