Since 2010, Dr. Bush’s productivity includes 6.3+ million dollars in externally funded projects primarily from the National Science Foundation (NSF) including serving as Principal Investigator of a Noyce Track 3 project focused on Catalyzing Change, Empowering STEM Teachers with Earned Doctorates: A Noyce Program for Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Teachers. She is also the UCF Principal Investigator of a collaborative NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) project. Bush is also dedicated to mentoring faculty seeking federal grant funding for the first time. Bush has authored 13 peer-reviewed books; more than 110 peer-reviewed publications published or in-press; and 175+ peer-reviewed and invited international, national, regional, and state presentations. Bush’s research focuses on mathematics education, transdisciplinary STE(A)M education, and teacher professional learning.
- Mathematics Education
- Transdisciplinary STE(A)M Education
- Teacher Professional Learning
Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Mathematics Education
University of Louisville
- Deepening student and teacher understanding of mathematics through transdisciplinary STE(A)M problem-based inquiry
- Mathematics, science, and STE(A)M teacher professional development effectiveness
- The implementation of NCTM’s Catalyzing Change Framework in states, districts, and schools
Collaborative Research: Transforming Undergraduate Mathematics Teacher Preparation Programs using the Professional Development: Research, Implementation, and Evaluation Framework
- Principal Investigator: Sarah B. Bush, Ph.D.
- Co-Principal Investigators: Farshid Safi, Ph.D., Aline Abassian, Ph.D.
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation
- Award Period: 7/1/2020 to 12/31/2024
- Total Award: $968,578 UCF ($2,975,413 total)
- Principal Investigator: Sarah B. Bush, Ph.D.
- Co-Principal Investigators: Juli Dixon, Ph.D., Lisa Brooks, Ed.D., and Brian Moore, Ph.D.
- Sponsor: National Science Foundation
- Award Period: 4/1/2021 to 3/31/2026
- Total Award: $1,459,394
- UCF Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award (SoTL), University Awardee (2022)
- UCF Research Incentive Award (RIA), CCIE Awardee (2022)
- UCF Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, University and CCIE Awardee (2022)
- School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA) Award for Excellence in Integrating Science and Mathematics (2021)
- UCF Excellence in Research Award, CCIE Awardee (2021)
- EDG 7987: Dissertation in Practice
- MAE 7805: Policies, Practices, and Structures in K-8 Mathematics Education
- MAE 6918: Directed Research
- MAE 7980: Dissertation Mathematics Education
- MAE 7795: Seminar in Research in Mathematics Education
- IDS 7500: Research Seminar in Education
- IDS 6937: Teaching Mathematics and Science Using Reform-Based Practices
- IDS 6939: Reforming Curriculum in Mathematics and Science Education
- 14 Orange County Teachers Graduate Ready to Inspire, Lead Colleagues in Strengthening Math Education
- Influential Researchers at UCF Contribute to Impacts in Field, U.S. News Global Rankings
- Solving the Shortage
- 53 Faculty Scholars Honored at 4th Biennial Faculty Authors’ Celebration
- Advanced Air Mobility Conference Takes Flight at UCF
- College of Community Innovation and Education 2022 Founders’ Day Honorees
- UCF Professors Awarded NSF Grant to Empower Orange County K-8 Mathematics Teachers
- Future STEM Teachers Will Shape Their Own Preparation Programs