About the FTCE
To be certified as a teacher in the state of Florida, candidates are required to pass a series of three tests. This group of tests is called the Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE). The number of sections and questions on these tests varies. However, a candidate will need to correctly answer about 60-75% of the questions to pass each test.
General Knowledge Test
Revised May 2014
The General Knowledge Test replaces the CLAST taken by caollege students before 2002. The multiple-choice format includes separate sections in English Language Skills, Reading & Mathematics. Also included is a written essay.
Subject Area Exam
The Subject Area Exams are designed to test for knowledge of subject matter. There are 42 different SAEs. An example of a subject area is Elementary Education K-6, which was revised in May 2014. Other examples of subject areas for middle grades (5-9) and secondary (6-12) certification are English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Sciences, and Social Sciences. Examples of exams for all grade levels (K-12) include Art, Music, Physical Education, Foreign Languages and Exceptional Education.
Professional Education Test
The Professional Education Test is related to knowledge about professional education competencies. Revised in January 2013, this 120-question multiple choice test of is built on the Florida Educators Accomplished Practices (FEAPs). The pre-professional (Via™) portfolio created by education majors in the UCF College of Community Innovation and Education is also built on a blueprint of these FEAPs.