The Planning Accreditation Board requires this information be posted for the Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning program.
Student Achievement
The urban and regional planning program assesses student achievement based on five indicators from the 2023-2024 Graduating Graduate Student Survey. The goals are for 80 percent of students completing the survey to indicate “strongly agree” or “agree.”
Areas of Achievement
“The M.S.URP degree prepared me to:”
Strongly Agree/Agree
Identify key issues of equity, diversity, and social justice and apply these fundamental ethical and normative principles in the planning field.
Explore and address sustainability and the conservation of natural and cultural resources and sustainable futures.
Identify the key issues of planning ethics and related questions of the ethics of public decision-making.
Comprehend, represent, and use of general planning knowledge within a global context.
Apply planning skills and tools into the planning process, creation, and implementation and into the communication with a diverse and changing workforce and society.
Note: Data above based on Fall/Spring enrollment at 9 hours per term.
Source: UCF Student Account Services – 2024-2025 student tuition & fees section