CPNM staff group photo

UCF Center’s Capacity-Building, Financial-Management Seminars Prepare Local Nonprofits for Sustainability

The Center for Public and Nonprofit Management has equipped professionals representing 55 Central Florida nonprofits with essential resources and skills...
Erin Blackwell and Naim Kapucu with UCF student holding award

Five Minutes with a UCF Research Administrator

Erin Blackwell, Associate Director for the Research Administration Services Team in the College of Community Innovation and Education, shares how...
Romeo Lavarius headshot

Emergency Management Professional Joins UCF as Practitioner-in-Residence

With over a decade of academic and professional experience in the field himself, Romeo Lavarias is ready to help prepare...
UCF students help distribute funding

UCF Students Help Distribute Donor Funding via Collaborative Philanthropy Project

Through extensive research and mentorship, UCF students recently helped the Central Florida Foundation identify local nonprofits with projects in need...
urban planning field work

Urban Planning Field Work Provides Hands-on Experience for Students

Students in the most recent urban and regional planning master’s capstone course took innovative learning to the next level through...